§ 40-227. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is the intent of the town council to protect public interest, safety and welfare and, to that end, the purposes of this article are specifically declared to be as follows:


    To promote economic development while minimizing the negative impacts that signs may have on the visual appearance of the town;


    To provide orientation and guidance to our tourists and visitors and identification of public areas, natural resources, historical and cultural landmarks and places of interest and in so doing reduce confusion, traffic congestion and air pollution;


    To inform and educate visitors and residents of opportunities and events both commercial and noncommercial occurring on Pleasure Island; and


    To permit and regulate signs in such a way as to support and compliment land use objectives.


    It is not the purpose or intent of this article to regulate signage displayed for special occasions not associated with a business (i.e., balloons for birthday parties or birth of a baby, etc.).

(Code 1986, app. A, § 11.1; Ord. No. 10-825, 4-13-2010; Ord. No. 12-888, 6-12-2012)